
Swyvers - An urban heist roleplaying game

Created by Melsonian Arts Council

A tabletop RPG of heists and intrigue through the foggy streets of The Smoke.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

8 months ago – Fri, Mar 08, 2024 at 02:01:05 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

8 months ago – Thu, Mar 07, 2024 at 10:13:55 AM

Wow, that was a whole thing wasn't it? Thanks so much to all of you for helping us make this new game something that we're confident will be around for a good long time.

What happens now?

We'll be putting up a simple link to the complete PDF version via an update on here later tonight. We're still adding some more art and checking for any spelling errors before it goes to print, however that version will be distributed to backers via DTRPG and Itch when it's ready. We're going to start talking to the printer about sourcing the materials for the limited edition cover and their answer will decide how long the overall printing will take. I can't imagine it being unusually long though.

I missed the campaign, oh no!

Don't worry. We'll be setting up Backerkit imminently so you can continue to back the basic book on there if you missed it. No limited editions though, that stuff needs to be locked down.

More Swyvers?

Yes, more Swyvers. Luke Gearing will be making his little Kickstarter adventure and then we'll start talking about what's next. Not sure what it will be, but it will be. Swyvers will be on the same kind of licence as Troika!, so if you think you've got a Swyvers adventure in you now is the time to get started writing it!

More later today!


24 Hours Left
8 months ago – Wed, Mar 06, 2024 at 05:54:23 AM

Wow, what a month! We've barely had time to enjoy the ride, what with all those stretch goals getting knocked down. We've got one more we might hit, being the 'go comission a bunch of books' goal, but even without it we'll certainly be making more Swyvers stuff for a long time. It just might take a little while.

What about the VTT? I don't want to get into details and get anyone's hopes up for things that might change. We're talking with a couple of different people who know how these things work and it's looking hopeful! If we succeed at Swyvers we'll probably be going back and doing some other books as well. Fun!

If anyone is feeling up for it, now is the time to blast your friends on social media and help us on the last 24 hour push!

Thanks for all the support, we're absolutely bubbling to get on and put this book out!


Merry March
8 months ago – Fri, Mar 01, 2024 at 03:25:04 AM

Swyvers Interview

Here's another lovely interview with Luke Gearing (the creator of Swyvers) and David Hoskins (the esteemed illustrator). They talk about the past AND the future of Swyvers. Positively oracular!

One more thing

DID YOU KNOW that the most common way people find things like Swyvers is their (smart and tasteful) friends recommend it to them? 

New Stretch Goal + New Reward
8 months ago – Mon, Feb 26, 2024 at 05:40:07 PM

I'll be honest, we're doing better than we expected. Thanks! Who'd have thought the world was ready for a cockney gangster RPG made in the gen-u-ine cockney gangster town (i.e. London)? What a lark! 

A New Stretch Goal

And what better way to celebrate corrupting everyone to our down and dirty ways than to reward you with some treasures. If we reach £80,000 we will be making prints of David Hoskins' beautiful art and giving them away with all physical copies of the book.

Question: What piece of David's art would you most like on your wall? We kinda want this Marvel vs. Capcom deal-e-o on ours. Let us know your feelings!

A New Reward

If you look on the side there you'll see a new reward, "Cop the Coin". We're going to have more coins than we need 'cos that's just how coin printing factories work, and we don't want to store them in a swag bag in the corner of the warehouse forever. So why not give them a good home? If someone takes us up on this very silly reward we will personally search Portabello Road and buy a suitably sized antique coin chest to fit all the leftover coins in and send it to you (along with the book and the shirt and so on.) One big chest, one big pile of coins. And hey, if no one wants it we can start our very own dragon hoard! 

TLDR: Real antique coin chest, and a Kings ransom in toy metal coins (+book etc.). Artist's rendition below

And again, thanks for supporting us on here folks. It's only with the support of you fine people that we can continue doing any of this.
